I need 10000-100000 mail accounts for my electronic devices.

Asked by:
MichaelV / 5 Points
2013-02-11 11:08 am EST

For my electronic devices (it's wi-fi switches) I need from 10000 to 100000 e-mail accounts.
My questions are:

1. If my devices connects at the same time, will your mail service work proper?
2. Do you have any API to open the email account automaticly at the manufacture time?
3. Price. How much?

Thanks a lot,


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Best answer chosen by User


16,266 Points
2013-02-11 10:21 pm EST
Hello Michael,

Unfortunately, our shared servers would be unable to hold a load of that magnitude all at once. You will want to check into a dedicated service for this type of thing.

We do have a list of other vendors that may be able to accommodate your setup. You can find that list here.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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