New email forwarding error

Asked by:
ShaunRo / 10 Points
2015-02-28 12:50 am EST
I'm a current customer and I use email forwarding for the communications on my search and rescue team ( This has been a terrific system for many years, but I just started getting the following error from an email address which has begun to bounce the messages going to that member:

554 DNS:B2

The reverse DNS of your IP Address is typical of a dynamic/residential IP Address and has generated AOL Member complaints. Please have it updated to something unique like, or use the mail servers your ISP provides for residential customer traffic. If the rDNS has been updated and the problem persists, please open a support request.
rDNS must be in the form of a fully-qualified domain name. rDNS containing are not acceptable, as these are merely placeholders for a valid PTR record. rDNS consisting of IP addresses are also not acceptable, as they do not correctly establish the relationship between domain and IP address.
rDNS that may be similar to dynamic IP space (containing pool, dhcp, dyn, etc.) may be treated as suspect, and should therefore should be changed to reflect a fully-qualified domain name with standard reverse DNS.

It sounds like nothing that I can do from my end.

This is a fairly recent development, beginning just in the past month or so.

Thanks for looking into it!

Shaun Roundy
Utah County SAR

p.s. if you happen to visit, you'll see that the website forwards to, but this is a wordpress setting and does not affect the mail system.

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17,314 Points
2015-02-28 1:00 am EST
Hello Shaun,

Sorry for the problems with AOL and the mail reverse DNS. Yes, we can definitely make changes in your DNS so that the server is to accomodate AOL. However, you will need to submit a verified ticket to our live support team in order to have that changed. We will not be able to make change over the support center as our responses are public domain.

Apologies that we can't provide a direct answer here! However, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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I want to see my email message
3 Points

2022-04-22 6:32 am EST
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