Problem with delivery of email

Asked by:
Ellenohare / 10 Points
2012-12-12 11:28 pm EST
We use Hub to get our email which we then pull into our computers locally using outlook. One of the people at my work seems to be getting emails delivered out of order and some of them late. (one took over a day being delivered.)In that last case, she actually was reviewing her email on the internet using webmail and it was not there on Monday night (sent Monday am), she didn't receive it until Tuesday morning. Is there some type of filter that is holding up some of her email?

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12,339 Points
2012-12-13 12:53 am EST
Hello Ellenohare,

Thank you for your question. Email delivery issues have to be handled on a case-by-case basis, and we will need more specific information to troubleshoot this further such as the sender and recipient's email address.

If you have a copy of the email, you can forward it to support@webhostinghub for review. We will email you back with a resolution.

If not, I recommend contacting live support so you can provide specific information, and they can review the logs.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below, or contact live Tech Support.

They are available 24/7 via:
Phone: 877-595-4482 x2
Chat (there is a link on the top right).

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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