Question about the protected email

Asked by:
mugenmonkey / 15 Points
2012-11-13 7:25 am EST
I am trying to get a signed SSL certificate and part of the process that i am going through they requested me to select the correct email associated with the domain. This happens to be a protected email provided by webhostinghub. The problem is they sent a verification email to this address. Is there anyway to get access to this email? I sort of assumed it would just redirect to the email associated with the account but that doesnt seem to be the case.

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16,266 Points
2012-11-13 6:03 pm EST
Hello mugenmonkey,

By default, our privacy email addresses do not go anywhere. We can, however, set up a forwarder for you to go to any email address you wish. This way you can get important emails such as this.

To do so, you would need to contact our support department (open 24/7) with that request. Be sure to validate your account with either the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, or the current Account Management Panel (AMP) password.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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