Temporarily suspend incoming email

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-11-12 2:09 pm EST
Is it possible to toggle receipt/non-receipt of email to one address? In other words, can I suspend incoming emails for a period of time, and resume delivery after that time?

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17,314 Points
2014-11-12 3:15 pm EST

Thanks for the question. The only way to stop email from going to a specific address is to remove the email address from your list in cPanel. However, you can create an email forwarder that will forward any email going to any email address to ANOTHER email address that you can designate. If you do this in addition to deleting the email address from your email list in cPanel, then the email will still come for that specific email address, but it will be forwarded to the address that you designate. At the same time, email will NOT be delivered to the email address that you have deleted. This is similar to creating an email alias, though in this case you only want to do this temporarily.

Once you're ready to re-instate the email address, then simply re-create it and delete the forwarder within cPanel. I hope that helps to answer your question! Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Arnel C.

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