Trouble sending email from our apple email -550 error message

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-02-16 5:12 am EST
We constantly are having trouble sending email from our apple email addresses. We have 3 addresses and they all have trouble frequently.
It is the 550 spam filter message. I tried the troubleshooting you have online with no success. I am unable to send email out to you as well right now.

This is the body of the email

Dear Parents,

Gym Train’s season has begun! We are excited to announce that the first Spirit Week for GymTrain starts today, Monday, February 15th. The purpose of "Spirit Week" is designed to foster team spirit throughout the gym and bring the team girls together.
To participate, have gymnasts wear our team colors (black, green, and white), write the girls good luck notes, or anything else that shows the Thrive Spirit! Thanks and let’s go GymTrain!

As a friendly reminder, the GymTrain All call parent meeting is today, at 7 pm. Also, if you have not RSVP’ed to the In-House Meet please do so so that we have an accurate headcount.

The subject was: Spirit Week is Here!

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16,266 Points
2016-02-16 5:20 am EST

Sorry to hear you are having issues with sending emails and having them bounce with a 550 error. The 550 Spam error is due to outbound email being scanned for spam.

If an email gets a specific score or higher, the email is rejected and bounced as being spam. We have an article that explains more about the 550 outbound spam process here.

We also have a list of terms that commonly trigger spam scanners. Having too many of these words can cause your emails to trigger the spam prevention and get bounced.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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