What MX record should I use?

Asked by:
van13 / 5 Points
2012-08-25 9:50 pm EST
<p>hello, i am setting up a subdomain www.bradsamuelfulton.com - the domain is being forwarded but I would like to host the email account. what is the information i need to put into godaddy settings to make this possible. i know i need the MX (Mail Exchanger)</p>

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1,846 Points
2012-08-28 12:16 am EST
Hi van13,

If you are pointing your nameservers away from Web Hosting Hub, you can still host your email with us.

A proper MX record must point to a hostname. That hostname however can then point to any IP address.

What you will want to do is setup the following:

MX Record: Point your mx record to mail.bradsamuelfulton.com

A Record: You will then have to update the A record (IP address) for mail.bradsamuelfulton.com and point it to your server at Web Hosting Hub, which is

If your nameservers will point to another DNS provider, then you will need to make both the MX Record and A Record change at your new nameservers.

I hope this helps! If you have any additional questions, please ask, we're more than happy to help.

- Brad

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