Can't reply to email

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-07-08 6:13 pm EST
Everything Email
When I send an email and they reply to me, I cannot reply to that. Where it says "from" I have to choose my old aol address and then put my new address in the "reply to". How can I fix that?

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12,339 Points
2016-07-08 6:25 pm EST

Thank you for your question regarding issues replying to email. We are happy to help, but will need some additional information. How are you checking your email?

For example are you using Outlook, Webmail, Mac Mail, etc.

Does this happen with all addresses, or just specific ones?

Thank you,

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I am using apple mail. It happens on the laptop and also my iPhone. it happens with every email address.
3 Points

2016-07-15 8:53 pm EST
What kind of email clients settings are you using? If you are unsure you can check our guide on email troubleshooting with emphasis on the section headed "Client Configuration Settings".
1,348 Points
2016-07-15 9:34 pm EST
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