Replacement for McAfee email security software

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-12-19 7:11 pm EST
Everything Email
Does the hub have a replacement for McAfee email security software or are we on our own? If the latter, any recommendations for a good spam filtering software? Spamassassin is not a good solution; it doesn't offer the protection and ease of use of McAfee.

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16,266 Points
2016-12-19 7:33 pm EST

Thank you for your question on replacements for McAfee email security. Those with active McAfee subscriptions now have the same type of service from SpamExperts. This is the replacement service.

If you had an active McAfee subscription and do not see SpamExperts in your account, please contact the Live Support team so they can get you set up properly so you can continue to protect your email.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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Thus far no luck. I have been online with 4 different tech support reps and no one has been able to turn on the SpamPanel so we can configure SpamExperts, if indeed SpamExperts is even enabled. We cannot use a spam filtering software if we cannot view the spam for legitimate email. The switch to SpamExperts was promised to be "seamless," but it is anything but. Please escalate this issue to the senior managers so they can resolve this quickly.
8 Points

2017-01-17 2:12 am EST
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