Trouble receiving emails

Asked by:
MitchYano / 5 Points
2013-04-10 4:09 pm EST
Everything Email
Hi, I had initially setup my email acct on my website a while back and it was working fine, but I just got word that people were sending me messages, and I haven't received any of them. I also sent a couple test messages yesterday, but still nothing. Can you please help me figure this out as soon as possible?? Thank you!

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2,132 Points
2013-04-10 4:27 pm EST
Thank you for your question MitchYano!

We would be happy to diagnose what the problem is with receiving your email >. Unfortunately, we will need the sending and receiving email addresses and the subject of the lost email so we can look through the email logs. Because this is a public forum you will want to send this information to tech support.

In the meantime you may want to test your email. Try the following:

1. Check your domain status and whois. Its possible your domain may not be registered.

2. Check your Nameservers and DNS. If your domain does not point to our server, email will not work on our server.

3. Check your webmail. You may have the emails in your webmail and not your email client.

4. Check your email settings. Its possible for some reason you r email settings may not be correct.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,
James R

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