My sent emails are going to people's Spam folder

Asked by:
crcossel / 8 Points
2012-03-28 8:59 pm EST
Fighting Spam
We switched to WebHostingHub at the beginning of february. Every since then we are having MAJOR problems with our emails going to people's spam box. Please help!

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


1,846 Points
2012-03-28 9:13 pm EST
Hi crcossel,

When you send email and it arrives to the spam folder of your recipient, this is due to spam settings on the recipients server, not Web Hosting Hub's. Either way, however, we ourselves understand this delima. It wouldn't look very well for us if emails we sent arrived in everyone elses spam folders.

While there isn't anything directly you can control on this situation, there are a few things you can do to help. It is suggested to look into setting up:

1. An SPF record for your domain name

2. Domain Keys

You can find more information on both of these items in our Information about SPF Records and DomainKeys article.

While you most likely won't see immediate results after setting up these records, they should hopefully help soon. Please keep us updated if you continue to experience this spam box issue.

- Brad

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