Can't publish site from WebEasy

Asked by:
christchurchmn / 36 Points
2012-02-08 9:39 pm EST
File Management
Sorry - I can't find back my original question but I made sure my publishing settings were correct. It is still giving me "Your request has been denied..." and if you go to my site you can see what happens to my home page when I'm trying to upload.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-08 10:30 pm EST

I'm sorry you're still having trouble uploading your redesigned website. In the connection profile in Web Easy, please click on the firewall tab and select the Use Passive Transfer option. This appears to be an issue that quite a few Web Easy customers run into when Web Easy is trying to create folders during the file upload process.

Please let us know if this resolves the issue. If not, can you please give us some more information about the files that aren't uploading (file size, type, etc.)?


Christi N.

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