Configure WS_FTP95 LE to download HTML & jpg files to servers

Asked by:
EricJ / 5 Points
2011-08-19 6:48 pm EST
File Management

I am trying to configure WS_FTP95 LE to download HTML and jpg files to the Hub web servers. I have used this program before to download my files when I had other ISP's.

On the Control Panel under Manual Settings it lists the FTP Sever name as However the connection fails because it can't find the host entry.

Any suggestions?



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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


591 Points
2011-08-19 7:05 pm EST
Hello Eric,

I downloaded WS_FTP95 LE and was able to connect to my Web Hosting Hub account with these settings:

<strong>Hostname</strong>: (my domain)
<strong>Host Type</strong>: Automatic Detect
<strong>User ID</strong>: whhsup5 (my cPanel username)
<strong>Password</strong>: cPanel password
Neither of the boxes checked

You can also try connecting by using <a href='' target='_blank'>your server</a> as the Hostname. For example, my account is on whub21, so as the Hostname I can use: In case the nameservers were changed in the last 24 hours, try connecting with the server name instead of your domain name and see if that works! If you are still having any issues please let us know.


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