FTP Files Transfers Failing, Timing Out?

Asked by:
westweeks / 13 Points
2013-02-06 7:33 am EST
File Management
I have a slow DSL connection and have a 1.5GB file to upload. I have now tried twice and the upload fails at exactly 2 hours (7200 seconds). I need a little more time for the upload to finish, so is there a way to adjust what appears to be a fixed timeout of 7200 seconds (and is that on my end or WHH end?)

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12,339 Points
2013-02-06 7:41 pm EST
Hello westweeks,

Thank you for your question. The only FTP limitation we have is for 30 minute idle connections. This will not cause this type of disconnect as long as you are uploading. There may however be a limitation set by your ISP.

Also when you are uploading something via FTP you need to maintain a constant connection, so if you get latency when uploading it can cause a disconnect.

If possible, I recommend splitting the file into separate smaller sections and uploading them separately.

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