FTP log in failed

Asked by:
nataliam / 5 Points
2012-03-29 2:20 am EST
File Management
<p>Hello, I'm trying to login to my ftp file directory for the first time and the login will not work, even through I re-set the password (Duck for mac). Any idea what's going on? - NM</p>

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-03-29 3:15 pm EST
Hello nataliam,

I'm sorry you're having trouble logging in via FTP. While looking into this for you, I see that you currently only have the one FTP account (the cPanel user name). Please make sure you are using the following settings in your FTP program:

FTP Host: The server name your account is located on. Since your domain was registered less that 24 hours ago, please use that server name until DNS has had time to propagate (usually 4-24 hours).
FTP Username: Your cPanel user name
FTP Password: Your cPanel password. Initially this will be the same as your AMP password, but can be changed as needed through AMP.

If this issue continues, please fee free to send an email to docs@webhostinghub.com with the user name and password you are using, we'll be happy to test this for you. Please be sure to either update your question or add a comment below if you send an email, as that email address is not regularly monitored.


Christi N.

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