FTP set up for Adobe Contribute

Asked by:
pm / 26 Points
2012-02-25 11:20 pm EST
File Management
I am trying to establish an FTP connection. This is for my domain

I am using Adobe Contribute CS5 to create the website.

I have some notes on doing this from a question I asked 2 weeks ago, and also a question from another user about what the FTP server name is. The server name is supposed to be in the left panel of the Control Panel, and in the technical details of the AMP.

I don't see any server name that includes FTP. I entered the server name as whub27.webhostinghub.com

I then entered my FTP login and password.

The connection key setup then asked for the directory that my website was stored in.

I haven't uploaded any files, obviously, but the material I have says that the site files will be in :

It gives no driver or server name.

I entered this path. Contribute couldn't find this directory on the server: "The directory you specified does not exist."

There were 2 other directories listed in the browser, which I can't remember the names of.

Somehow I suspect that this is not the FTP server (?), but if not, what is it?

Another question:

Since I don't have any files stored in the /home/mathth5/public_html directory yet, is this going to be a problem when the Contribute connection setup does find the directory?

And one last question:

I assume that I can use the File Manager to upload files manually. But I'm thinking that if Contribute uploads the files itself via FTP, it will automatically resolve the links -- is this correct?

Paul Murray

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Timothy S.
741 Points
2012-02-27 7:27 pm EST
Hi pm,

Thanks for posting your questions. I'm more than happy to assist you today. When you are using your cPanel username - it will automatically take you to the root folder for your account. However, you'll want to place the files in the /public_html folder. So let's go over the basic settings:

Username:Your cPanel username
Password:Your cPanel password
Directory/ Path:/public_html

Once you are connected via Adobe Contribute, it will publish the files to the public_html folder. And it should move all the files it needs to the directory.

Yes, it's best to use the built in FTP within the software you are using. You could use file manager in cPanel, however many programs will change links and settings based on the publishing destination for you.

I hope this helps! If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us.


Tim S

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