How do I change file permissons?

Asked by:
DSI / 8 Points
2011-09-27 6:58 pm EST
File Management
We need to change the file permissions from 0644 to 0755 on all files to allow different workers in the group to update files. Right now, only certain files allow us to change their permissions, but through an FTP client and the on-screen FTP in CPanel. How can we allow mulitple users to control all file permissions, or just set all file permissions to 0755 by default?

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13,688 Points
2011-09-27 8:55 pm EST
Hello DSI,

Thank you for asking about fie permissions. You should be able to change file permissions through either your FTP program or the File Manager in cPanel.

Recommended file permissions are as follows:

- public_html - 750
- Folders - 755
- CGI and Perl scripts - 755
- .html .php and other Document Types - 644

Regardless of whether you use your cPanel username or one of your FTP accounts, when you access your files via FTP you are the user. When dealing with permissions in a hosting environment, user and group are the same.

For more information, please see our How do I change my File Permissions? article.

Thank you,

Christi N.

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