How do I delete empty folders?

Asked by:
NancyB / 21 Points
2012-02-29 8:21 pm EST
File Management

Thank you for moving the files. It is not important but is there any way to delete the empty folders under Connexem? I only use the add on domain for email and am going to redirect.

I can't find the Webhosting welcome file to delete it so that my website appears.

I will change the ftp location to public_html. I use Web Plus X5 to create my website.

Hello NancyB,

I'm sorry you're having trouble publishing your site.

I have moved these files for you into the public_html folder, but I wanted to make sure you have the following information should you need to do this yourself in the future.

Either the cPanel File Manager or an FTP program can be used to move files in your account.

Since is your main domain name, public_html is the correct directory to upload your files to. In your publishing settings, please type in just public_html for the directory location.

I noticed that you have an Addon domain as well. If you will be using the same program to publish to that Addon domain, you will want to set the directory for that site to public_html/ (replacing with your actual Addon domain name's folder name).

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.
2012-02-29 12:13

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-29 9:15 pm EST
Hi NancyB,

You're welcome. You should be seeing your site now instead of the default welcome page. If not, please try refreshing the page, and if necessary, clear your browser's cache. If you still want to delete the Web Hosting Hub welcome page, it is named default.htm and is located in your public_html directory.

I'm not sure what folders you are seeing that are empty. Under your Addon domain folder I see an installation of Coppermine Photo Gallery. If you have decided you do not want to use Coppermine for that site, you will want to remove that software through Fantastico De Luxe (the script installer used to install Coppermine).

If you do have any other folders that are empty that you do not need for your site, you can delete those using either the cPanel File Manager or an FTP program.

If you do not wish to have a separate site for your Addon domain, you can either redirect it in cPanel or remove the Addon domain and re-add it as a Parked domain.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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