How do I find my FTP info?

Asked by:
mattna5 / 5 Points
2011-09-27 11:37 pm EST
File Management
Hi there,

I need to get the following info, but I'm not sure I can find or remember it. Any help would be awesome!!

FTP url
Port #

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13,688 Points
2011-09-27 11:58 pm EST
Hello mattna5,

I'm happy to help you with locating your FTP info.

If your domain is pointed to us you can use your domain name for the FTP host/server name (url).

If your domain is either less than 24 hours old or has been pointed to our Nameservers less than 24 hours, you will want to use your server name which you can find in either the Technical Details area of your Account Management Panel (AMP) or the stats left side of your cPanel home page.

Your port number should be 21.

In case you are not familiar with our Account Management Panle (AMP), please feel free to learn more here: How to log into AMP.

I hope this information helps!

Christi N.

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