how to replace a theme background with flash swf

Asked by:
negus / 10 Points
2013-01-27 8:21 pm EST
File Management
I have a flash swf file which i created in after effects, and i want to use it to replace my theme background. I am currently using custom theme 2011. I have little knowledge about editing html,css, scripting etc. Adobe after effect have generated the java script, swf and the html for me, but i dont know how to use it to replace my site background. I was only able to embed it on a post using kimili software and this is not what i want. Can somebody please help me? My website is

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16,266 Points
2013-01-28 6:59 pm EST
Hello negus,

Replacing a background with an swf file is not something normally done, so there is not a lot of information on how to do it. In researching, most of the posts regarding this in Wordpres are 2-3 years old, so I have no idea if they are still valid.

You may want to look for some sort of plugin within the Wordpress plugin area that will help with embedding swf files.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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