I requested a Document Root Change, but after the update, I cannot upload files to the new folder?

Asked by:
ddefeu / 11 Points
2011-08-19 12:14 am EST
File Management
Hello, I opened the case id 33791 (changed the docroot of imoginacao.com to public_http/imoginacao.com) and I received an email saying that my request was done.

Unfortunately I can't put files in the new folder created public_http/imoginacao.com.

Can you check why ?


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1,846 Points
2011-08-19 12:57 am EST
Hi ddefeu,

I'm sorry to hear about the issue you're having. I looked into this for you and had our Systems team resolve the issue.

If you're curious to know, the folder created was owned by the "root" user, and not your cPanel user. Thus, you actually didn't have permission on the server to upload any files into it.

I uploaded a test file and it worked successfully. Please test yourself, and be sure to let us know if there is anything further we can do to help.

- Brad

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