Links and publishing a site with Adobe Contribute

Asked by:
pm / 26 Points
2012-02-11 10:53 pm EST
File Management
I am ready to upload my files to WHH for my new website.

I have built the site using Adobe Contribute CS5. All the files for the site are stored on my computer in the c:/inetpub/wwwroot directory.

My pages contain many links to documents stored in subdirectories of the wwwroot directory.

I would like to simply upload the entire wwwroot directory into my home directory at WHH to make the FTP process simple. But if I do that, what will happen to the links?

For instance, one link points to

When I upload, the c:/inetpub part of this path will "disappear." Will the link still work? Obviously I don't want to "redo" all the links.

Thank you,
Paul Murray

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-13 5:30 pm EST
Hello Paul,

Thank you for your questions about uploading your site files created with Adobe Contribute CS5. I can certainly understand not wanting to redo all of your internal links. What will happen to the links depends on the type of path you specified for your site's links. Did you choose document relative, site relative or absolute links in Contribute's administration settings? For a more detailed explanation of those link types, please see Adobe's documentation here:

You could also try uploading just a few files at first to test your links.

You can also use Contribute's built-in publishing features to publish your site:

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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