Problem downloading PDF from my site

Asked by:
Gary_newbie / 13 Points
2013-02-11 6:27 pm EST
File Management
I have added a link for downloading a PDF file from my site but when the file downloads ... it is no longer able to open.

Here is what I have done -
- Opened PDF file from my hard drive to ensure it is good.

- Uploaded PDF to a sub-folder in my file manager.

- Added link on my site.

- Use that link to download file back to my computer.

- Try to open file but get error message saying file is unreadable.

Any idea why my file becomes corrupted when uploaded to webhostinghub?

Here is a link to the "broken" file -

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16,266 Points
2013-02-11 10:43 pm EST
Hello Gary_newbie,

I tested your pdf file first in browser view (across Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, FireFox, and Safari) and it displays fine.

I then downloaded the file and it also opened up and displayed without error using Adobe Reader X version 10.1.5

So far, we are unable to duplicate it here from any machine. Were you able to duplicate the behavior from another machine or network?

Best Regards,
Scott M

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