Setting up FTP with Espresso

Asked by:
b2beck / 5 Points
2013-01-22 9:17 am EST
File Management
I use Espresso to create and update our website and would like to sync the local version with the version on our webhostinghub site. Espresso asks for the protocol (FTP, FTP with SSL/TLS, etc.), the port number (21?), the username, the password, and the "remote path" with is the path to the local version of the website.

But it won't sync. The server is "" according to my cpanel and everything seems to be right, at least it seems to be.

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2,132 Points
2013-01-22 6:53 pm EST
Thank you for the question b2beck!

Make sure you are using the cpanel username and password and not the AMP username and password. You can find the cPanel username and password by doing the following.

1. Log into AMP
2. Make sure you are on your AMP home page.
3. Go to the bottom and click Details under the technical details.
4. The Hostname and username on this page is what you use.

The cpanel password will be the same as the AMP password unless you changed it.

If you need to specify a directory, you can use the following for your main domain (Addon domains have a different location).


According to this tutorial, there is no reason to specify the directory.

Exresso FTP

The settings all in all should look like the following:

Nickname: Your name or website
Protocol: FTP
Port: 21
Server: or your server host
User Name: the cpanel username
Password: the cpanel password
Remote path: Leave blank

Hope this helps you connect. If you still cannot connect you will need tech support to watch the ftp logs as you try and connect. Unfortunately, We cannot do this in the support forum. If you need tech support to watch the logs, contact them by phone (1-877-595-4482) or chat.

Best Regards,
James R

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