When trying to upload from web easy it states your request has been denied by the server or the server has timed out. This tends to happen when I have included

Asked by:
Bruce25 / 5 Points
2012-12-30 9:15 pm EST
File Management
When trying to upload from web easy it states your request has been denied by the server or the server has timed out. This tends to happen when I have included an object into the website but it can happen without an object as well. Any ideas?

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17,314 Points
2012-12-31 11:54 am EST
Hello Bruce25,

Your question appears to be in regards to a third party publishing software. I checked on this software's usual method of uploading files and they happen to use FTP. Your credentials for logging in with FTP should be the same as your CPanel user name and password. I also double-checked your recent FTP log history, and I'm seeing repeated errors involving the path to your files. The path includes a double "//" before the "/public_html" folder. Your path should not include the home and account paths. You should be able to simply start with the "public_html" - your working directory should be "/public_html/ - or if you working with a subdomain, then the path would be something like: /public_html/subdomain.

If the path is incorrect, then even if you are connecting to the account, the transfers will fail. Please make sure the paths are correct and then try once more.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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