Why do my web page url's have /index_files extensions?

Asked by:
garymmx / 5 Points
2012-10-24 9:46 am EST
File Management
My home page for my URL www.visitnakhonsawan.com has the URL http://visitnakhonsawan.com/index.htm Why the index ext? All other pages have an /index_files/ ext. Why is this?

To add further information, I am not getting any error messages, It has been an issue since I launched my site (I am developing it very slowly) and I am using microsoft publisher software to build and publish the site.

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16,266 Points
2012-10-24 4:14 pm EST
Hello garymmx,

The URLs are showing the structure that was given to them by the creating program. From viewing your source code, it appears to have been a Microsoft product of some sort.

The /index.htm appearance is due to the way the Home button link is coded.

The /index_files portion of the URL is due to all files except the index.htm file beign stored in a folder of that name. The links to other files have to look in the index_files folder, so that is part of the URL.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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