Why does effort to extract zip file on server fail as indicated in the questions detail section below

Asked by:
StillBill / 5 Points
2013-04-03 2:09 pm EST
File Management

Archive: /home/d3ceor5/public_html/admin/newscenter_premium_theme_1_21-1.zip
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/d3ceor5/public_html/admin/newscenter_premium_theme_1_21-1.zip or
/home/d3ceor5/public_html/admin/newscenter_premium_theme_1_21-1.zip.zip, and cannot find /home/d3ceor5/public_html/admin/newscenter_premium_theme_1_21-1.zip.ZIP, period.

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12,339 Points
2013-04-03 5:02 pm EST
Hello StillBill,

Thank you for your question. This error is occurring due to the specific file you are extracting.

I was able to test the server by uploading a .zip file to your account and successfully extracting it in File Manager.

I also tested your file by downloading it and attempting to extract it on my local computer, which failed.

This means the file you are attempting to extract is a bad file, or it is being corrupted during download/upload.

I recommend testing the file by extracting it on your local computer successfully first, then uploading it. That ensures it is a valid file.

If you have any further questions feel free to post them below, or contact live support.
Thank you,


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