Asked by:
fly2me5 / 43 Points
2012-08-23 9:54 pm EST
Okay .. this was not there yesterday. NOW, why is there advertisements on my page. FOR example. MY home page... I said "I switched hosting services" NOW "hosting Services is underlined.. colored and has an advertisement hooked to it. WHAT THE HECK is that? I have made web pages in my life and NEVER NEVER had this happen with my other hosting company. THIS is NOT part of my agreement. I do NOT want to be an advertising billboard.
I can't imagine it is something I did. NOT at all. I think I will want to switch back at this rate.

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16,266 Points
2012-08-23 10:24 pm EST
Hello fly2me,

I am sorry you are seeing those ads on your site. I can say with certainty, however, that WebHostingHub does not place advertisements on any of our customer's sites. The only advertisement you will see is the default page when you first sign up. This page is only present until a customer places their own files on the account.

I did check your site and see no inline ads on the page. The only links I see are the normal navigation links that you have in place to move around the site. I checked with Safari, FireFox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, and even SeaMonkey browsers. I also checked with my smart phone and a tablet. All showed the same results.

This may be some sort of sneaky addon or plugin that may be attached to your browser. You may want to check the site with another browser to confirm this. As I cannot access or see anything on your side it is only a theory. I would also suggest checking with another computer, phone, or tablet as well. This should reveal whether the behavior is only on that computer or not.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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