Eratic Server Response Times

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2020-01-18 7:28 am EST
General Information
For 1-2 weeks, pinging my DB server would take 1.4-12.0 secs for a round trip. As of 2-3 days ago, my ping times are down to 700-800ms. My site accesses the DB quite a bit, so it's running great, now, but when times go to 5+ ms, it gets ugly. It seems to happen in waves. Days of 2,000-10,000ms, then suddenly, a few days of <1,000ms. I am certain it has nothing to do with my code. It happens using phpMyAdmin and any other simple tools I've built to test it out. Any clues?

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12,339 Points
2020-01-22 3:15 am EST
Thank you for contacting us about erratic server response times. It is difficult to say without reviewing your actual account. But, I recommend asking Live Support for a review and providing the time frames in question.
Thank you,

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