Fix the block you have with Dashlane

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2017-03-24 8:35 pm EST
General Information
I spent 15 minutes on the phone with a very nice customer service rep who tried to help me login to your site. I had reset my password multiple times (similar to another user in April 2014) and couldn't get in. Neither could the rep. Finally we figured out that because I use Dashlane, it won't let me in and I had to disable it on my browser in order to access your site. Two issues with this:
1. I use many different sites that require a login - medical, shopping, other webhosting sites, etc. - and I have not had this problem with ANY of them. Ever. This is a design flaw in your product that needs to be fixed. You're essentially denying me automatic access to every other site I have (or forcing me to use different browsers for different things) because of your error.
2. The fact that someone reported this same problem in April 2014 and it has not yet been fixed is kind of ludicrous, and somewhat irresponsible. It can't be a security issue or no other website would allow it either. So that leads me, again, to a design flaw in your site. It should be addressed immediately.
Why haven't you fixed this yet and what are you going to do about this?

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304 Points
2017-03-24 8:45 pm EST

Thank you for your question about using Dashlane to login to 'our site'. Where exactly are you trying to log into? Have you tried alternatives to Dashlane such as LastPass or others? Do the other password managers have the same problem? I personally use LastPass, and I have never noticed any issues. LastPass is a very well known password manager, and is very frequently updated. I have never heard of Dashlane before, so thank you for sharing information about it.

Casey B.

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