I want to know what is my DNS

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-12-05 6:01 pm EST
General Information
To update my DNS I am asked to insert the new DNS several times, but I don't understand. please explain to me.

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16,266 Points
2015-12-07 7:23 pm EST

Thank you for your question on your DNS. There are many DNS records for a domain. There are A (address) records, there are CNAME reords that use domain names. There are TXT (text) records and MX (mail exchange) records for emails.

Unfortunately you did not say which records you are trying to update. If you are trying to update your DNS with a domain on our servers, you can see our article on how to use the DNS Zone Editor within your cPanel.

If you are needing the IP address, you can find that within the cPanel as well.

We also have an article that has our name server information if you are trying to point to us.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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