Hello, Sorry for the problem with your RSS feed not updating correctly on your website. I double-checked the feed by adding an RSS reader extension to my website and then subscribing to your feed to see it. When I looked at the articles, the latest article I could see was dated September 3. It appears to be related to a possible problem in your WordPress site. I took a quick look and you have errors popping up due to the Jetpack plugin. I would first remove that plugin, then double-check and see if you can get the site to load with no errors. WordPress comes with default RSS feeds, so I'm assuming you're using that function of the site to provide MailChimp content. Otherwise, please identify what feeds you're using to provide MailChimp content so that we can check it. You may also want to try clearing the cache or resetting it. That is another possible culprit to your feeds not updating properly. I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance. Regards, Arnel C.
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