Suspending account with an invalid take down request.

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-10-29 8:08 am EST
General Information
Why has our website been suspended over a INVALID take down request. Why have we not been given a chance to remove the image?

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361 Points
2015-10-29 2:28 pm EST

I'm sorry to hear your account was suspended. Since this is a public forum we cannot discuss your account specifics. We suggest your call in or reply to the email that was sent so we can address this issue with you.

Thank you!

Tim S

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Hello Tim. thank you for your reply. I have contacted WHH many times, but I have not received an answer as to why we were suspended and not given any opportunity to remove the image. Especially as the take down request is not only invalid but illegal as the complainer committed purgery.

WHH make a big thing about looking after their customers, yet this is all false advertising as they do not help customers.

Why not restore the website and remove the post while this is being resolved? Also you say we must remove the image, as we do not have access to the website how can we do this?
Sorry but this is NOT putting your customers first as you profess to do.
6 Points

2015-10-30 4:14 am EST
Why not help and support your customer by re instating the website and removing the image while we resolve this matter? By removing the image you will be covering yourself from any thing to do with the safe harbour system as I am sure your legal team is aware, and you will be helping your customer as you claim you do.

I see absolutely no reason not to do this especially as the take down request is INVALID and in this case illegal.

Please explain why this cannot be done and assist your customer. Thank you.
6 Points

2015-10-30 5:27 am EST
Hello Billy2,

Thank you for contacting us. We definitely understand your frustration. Unfortunately, since this is just our public forums, we cannot make any changes to your account, or provide account specific information.

I recommend contacting our Live Support team directly. They are available 24/7, 365 days a year via phone, chat, and email.

Thank you,
12,339 Points
2015-10-30 3:44 pm EST
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