I am seeking an FTP/CMS site with sign on, upload, download no build

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-05-07 1:18 am EST
General Server Setup
How will you help me to put this up via your Sitebuilder and hosting products

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17,314 Points
2014-05-07 1:42 am EST

Thanks for the question. The hosting we provide includes FTP accounts, but the FTP accounts purpose are not for file storage purposes. If you are simply storing customer files, then this hosting solution may not be for you.

Web Hosting Hub uses Softaculous as a program installer to use with the hosting service. Many of these programs - such as WordPress can easily be loaded with little effort in having to build a website. You can also find a number of CMS sites that meet your needs. Here's a list of programs that can be loaded.

Also, as per your question, we do have a simple Sitebuilder-like program available for you to use, but it - like any program you use to build website will still require that you put time into constructing the site.

If you have further questions about the services provided, please contact our sales team for additional details.

Arnel C.

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