I can't connect to the server with filezilla

Asked by:
dataviz-factory / 10 Points
2013-05-23 4:55 pm EST
General Server Setup
When i try to connect to the server using filezilla with the FTP protocol i have an error message that says to i can't connect to the server.
i enter the following infos :
Host : ftp.dataviz-factory.com
Protocole : FTP
authentification : normal
Username : datavi5

Am i missing something ?
Thank you

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12,339 Points
2013-05-23 6:43 pm EST
Hello dataviz-factory,

Thank you for your question. I checked the Whois for your domain: dataviz-factory.com
and it is not pointed to our Nameservers yet.

You can use your server URL for the Host name, to connect directly in the meantime.

For example, if your server is whub25, you would use for the Host name:

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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