I can't save nor publish new pages in Wordpress (Divi) II

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HubFans / n/a Points
2019-05-09 1:11 pm EST
General Server Setup
Hey, Arnel C,

Thank you so much for answering my yesterday's inquiry.
So, listened to you, disabled the Cache something, something and contacted the Divi support. They instructed me to (quote):

"Please contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase these values:

! max_execution_time from 30 to 180 and

! max_input_time from 60 to 180 too!"

So, can you please do that?

Thanks in advance!


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12,339 Points
2019-05-09 8:28 pm EST
Hello Maya,

Thank you for your question regarding issues publishing a WordPress Divi site. You can change your PHP settings for your account at any time. Since this is just our public forum we cannot make any changes to your account, but if you need assistance our Live Support team is available 24/7.

Thank you,

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