How to add a new address book in Horde?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-10-02 12:51 am EST
Horde Webmail
How to add a new address book in Horde? As is, under the the "Address Book window", the only option I get is the one labeled "Shared address books" listed under the "Other Address books" category. In that window, both the "My address book" and the "Shared address books" categories say "No items to display", and there doesn't seem to be anyway to add new address books. Someone else asked a similar question before, listed here: bu
But, in my situation, I don't see the "+" sign option mentioned in that posting.

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12,339 Points
2015-10-02 1:40 am EST

Thank you for contacting us about creating a new address book in Horde webmail. We were able to replicate this issue, and are still looking into it for you. Please allow some additional time for us to investigate this further.

We will post updated information as soon as possible. Let us know if you have any further questions.

Thank you,

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