How can someone download a .pdf file from my website?

Asked by:
RougeHistory / 10 Points
2012-10-27 3:25 am EST
How To
I have many .pdf files on my website and I want the people to be able to download them, but when I right click on the open file, save is not a choice. What can I change to allow the people to download these files?

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12,339 Points
2012-10-29 4:41 pm EST
Hello RougeHistory,

Thank you for your question regarding downloading .pdf files. I tested the .pdf's shared on your site and there are two ways to download the .pdf files:

Right-click the file and select save as, or save link as, depending on your browser.

You can also left-click the file which will load and display the .pdf in your browser. Then depending on your browser you will be given the option to save the file. In firefox there is a tool bar on top, and Chrome displays it on the bottom right.

In IE, when you select the file, a pop-up on the bottom asks if you want to open the file or save it. Choose save to downbload it to your computer.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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