How do I replace my website and database

Asked by:
MonAmi / 5 Points
2012-05-26 10:04 am EST
How To
I wish to remove my current Joomla site and replace it with a dotnetnuke site that has been built on a local PC server. The SQL database is also currently on the local PC. How do I transfer the site and database?


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16,266 Points
2012-05-29 3:53 pm EST
Hello MonAmi,

If you wish to remove the Joomla data (site files and database) from your account and replace it, there are a few steps you will need to take.

1) You want to remove the Joomla installation. This is best done via the Fantastico install tool. Simply go to the Fanatastico tool, and find your installation under "Current Installation" and click the "Remove" link. This will delete all files and the database involved with that install.

2) You will want to create a database for your new program.

3) You will want to export the database on your computer into an SQL file and then import the file into your newly created database.

4) You can then upload your site files to the proper root folder using an FTP client. Your program may also have a publishing feature which will also upload the files to the account. You will need to know your FTP information in order for either your program or FTP client to connect to the server for the upload.

That should do it. You may need some minor configuration changes depending on how things are coded in the site, this is usually with database connection information.

I hope this answers your question. If you have any more questions or information specific to the issue please leave a comment below so we can further assist you.

Best regards,
Scott M

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