How to move vBulletin from old host to Web Hosting Hub

Asked by:
Baron / 5 Points
2012-04-27 6:11 pm EST
How To
I need to transfer a running vBulletin forum from my old server to a domain that I've added to my account here. What is the procedure for moving the database over, and making sure it all works properly?

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13,688 Points
2012-04-27 6:55 pm EST
Hello Baron,

Great question about moving vBulletin from one server to another. The steps to take are as follows:

1) Backing Up your vBulletin Files at your previous host. You can use either FTP or your previous host's file manager to download your files.
2) Exporting the Database at your previous host.
3) Uploading your files to your account on Web Hosting Hub using either FTP or the cPanel File Manager.
4) Creating your database and database user through cPanel
4) Importing your Database backup in phpMyAdmin
5) Open up includes/config.php and edit the following lines as needed with the new server and database information.


'servername' = 'localhost'
'username' = Your new database username here
'password' = Password you assigned to the database user
'dbname' = The new database name

One thing I noticed while researching this for you is that the vBulletin documentation makes several references to changing various folder permissions to 777. Please note, our servers run suPHP so 777 is not only needed, it is not allowed for security reasons. Please make sure permissions on your folders are set properly to 755 or 750.

To test your site before pointing your Nameservers, you can make a hosts file modification on your local computer.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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