How to upload images to wordpress media library?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2013-10-28 9:44 pm EST
How To
I'd like to know how I can upload images from my computer to wordpress media library so I can use them in my theme. Can you please help?

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17,314 Points
2013-10-28 10:34 pm EST

Thanks for the question! Uploading media to the server can be done a few ways. Typically, this can be done through cPanel using the File manger or you can use a FTP client - both of these methods let you simply move files onto the web server outside of the WordPress application. You can also login to WordPress and use the Administrator to upload files.

Either of these methods will allow you to place images onto the server. Typically, the images will need to go into the wp-content folder and then in the same location as your other theme media. This may differ from theme to theme, so you need to look at the theme's file structure in order to get the exact location.

Also, I almost forgot to mention that WordPress has an interface that allows you to deal directly with the media. The main issue here is that if you're using it with a theme, you generally need to place the files directly in the location of the theme files. As mentioned above, you can find the theme files in the wp-content folder under "themes" . You will need to use the File Manager or a FTP client to determine the exact location of your files. FYI - if you want to use the WP Admin to upload files:

  1. Login to the WordPress Admin

  2. In the menus on left, click on MEDIA

  3. Click on ADD MEDIA

  4. Select the location of your files and then select the files you wish to upload

  5. Upload the files to complete the file move

I hope this helps to provide you the answer for this question. Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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