Moving concrete5 database from a localhost to webhosting hub - best practices

Asked by:
dgconcrete / 32 Points
2013-01-18 11:14 pm EST
How To

I have a concrete5 mysql database on my localhost that I now want to move to webhosting hub.

I have used the auto installer to install the concrete5 software. As part of the process a concrete5 database was created with a name that does not match my database on the localhost.

What is the best practice for importing the database from my localhost to the webhostinghub concrete5 installation?

Would it make the most sense for me to create an empty database on webhosting hub matching the name of my current localhost database, import my database, change the site.php file to match my localhost database name and drop the concrete database created with the auto installation?

Otherwise it seems like I need to go into the database generated in the auto installation and drop all the tables. Maybe I am missing something...

Obviouwsly I then need to upload all my files from the localhost to the appropriate directories on the server.

Thank you.

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3,713 Points
2013-01-18 11:43 pm EST
Hello dgconcrete, and thanks for your question.

The easiest way to handle importing your local Concrete5 MySQL database onto our server would probably be using the Softaculous installer like you have.

You can then drop all of the tables that Softaculous put in place for you already into the database following these steps:

  1. Pull up phpMyAdmin from cPanel.

  2. Click on the database name you installed Concrete5 to.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of all the tables, click on Check All to place a checkmark beside every table.

  4. From the With Selected: drop-down, choose Drop.

Next you'd want to follow our guide on importing a MySQL database in phpMyAdmin to import your local Concrete5 database.

Another option would be skipping the Softaculous install all together. Instead you would want to create a MySQL database using the MySQL Database Wizard, being sure to copy down the database, database username, and password that you created.

Then you would just upload all of your local Concrete5 files to your /public_html/ directory. After that you'd want to edit your /public_html/config/site.php file to match the same database credentials you copied down from creating the MySQL database on our server.

I hope that information was helpful. If you're still running into any problems or have any further questions please let us know!

- Jacob

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