Any special considerations for redirecting to subdomain?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-01-11 10:00 pm EST
This is in theory only right now. But I was wondering how to write a 301 redirect from the primary domain's url to the subdomain's url. Basically, I want all pages of the primary to forward to the subdomain's home page. Ideally, I might like to pick a few to go to particular pages in the subdomain. I am worried about getting in a redirect loop since this involves a subdomain. Thanks!

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16,266 Points
2016-01-11 10:04 pm EST

Thank you for your question on 301 redirects.

To redirect all URLs of one domain to a specific page in teh subdomain (main page, for example) you will need to set it up like below:

RedirectMatch 301 ^/(.*)$

For each exceptional page, you will need to craft each one individually. They should appear in the format as below:

RedirectMatch 301 /contact.php /contact-us.php [L]

When placing them in the .htaccess file, be sure to put these above the full domain redirect so that they will activate first. Then, if they are not triggered, the main redirect will take place.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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