Background image not displaying on new website

Asked by:
Zaapo / 23 Points
2011-12-30 10:50 pm EST

I registered yesterday a new domain( through Web Hosting Hub, and started working on the site today. I soon noticed, that for some reason the index file or the css file can't access an image, that I had planned to put on the background. When I accessed the image with my browser through the image's url, there came a HTTP 403 Forbidden error. I tried accesing the file from my other domain(, and it worked fine. This problem seems to occur only on my new domain and in its directories, and affecting only images etc., because JavaScript and CSS references worked fine. I tried fixing the problem by editing the .htaccess file via Index Manager and eventually manually, but it didn't help. I also tried changing the permissions of the domain and it's folders to even 777, which didn't work either. Do you have any solution for this, because this didn't occur with my first domain, and I'm a bit confused what to do now. Atm I have to access the images through urls from other sites, eg. my first domain, which is pretty annoying. :/

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Best answer chosen by User


13,688 Points
2011-12-30 11:13 pm EST
Hello Zaapo,

Great questions. I'm sorry you were having trouble with your new site. While researching this for you, I found that you have Hotlink Protection enabled, but the new domain was not entered as a URL that is allowed access. I have corrected this for you by adding and it is now an Allowed Referrer. I also tested your website at and the background is now visible. For more information about Hotlink Protection, please see our article How to Enable Hotlink Protection.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need any additional assistance.


Christi N.

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