Images are not showing on my site after changing .htaccess

Asked by:
aleo1203 / 14 Points
2012-04-18 1:54 pm EST
I am having a problem with my images loading on my site after altering my .htaccess file with expires code, and I was wondering if mod_expires is even enabled?

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13,688 Points
2012-04-18 4:45 pm EST
Hi aleo1203,

Great question. Yes, mod_expires is compiled on the server. While checking into this for you, I have ruled out the mod_expires code in your .htaccess as the issue. I did this by renaming your .htaccess file to .htaccess_bk. The images on your pages are still not showing up. It appears that the images are corrupted, since we cannot open them with any image preview or editing software after downloading several test images. You also will notice that when you try to view just an image in a browser, the image appears as a solid black image.

We usually see these types of issues when files have been uploaded ASCII instead of Binary. How do you create and upload your site files? Are you using a sited creation/editing software to publish or do you publish with an FTP client like FileZilla. We will be happy to help you find the file transfer type settings for your program once we know the program you are using. Please feel free to either update your question or add a comment below with that information.


Christi N.

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