How do I REMOVE protected password? No one can access my website

Asked by:
chereb / 5 Points
2013-09-10 5:33 am EST
I added a user name and password to the images folder, thinking that only that section of my site would be protected. But it keeps everyone away; no one can access my website without being prompted for a can I remove it?

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The password protection directory section only shows how to ADD password protection, not DELETE it...why is that, and where then do you go to delete it? And, why doesn't that directory specify that the images folder will affect the entire website, not just the image gallery?
5 Points
2013-09-10 05:39 am EST



12,339 Points
2013-09-10 3:32 pm EST
Hello chereb,

Thank you for your question. Here is how you can remove password protection:

  1. Login to cPanel.

  2. Under Security, click Password Protect Directories. If you see a popup, choose Web Root, and Show Hidden Files, then click Go.

  3. You will then see a padlock beside the folder that is password protected, click it.

  4. On the next screen, uncheck the box next to Password protect this directory then click the Save button.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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