I am interested in installing a new CMS called Koken for my photography website.

Asked by:
tphoto5 / 5 Points
2013-02-25 7:52 pm EST
Image Editing
It has the following server requirements:

PHP 5.2.0 or higher
MySQL 5 or higher

Recommended, but not essential, for enhanced functionality:
FFmpeg (for video thumbnails)
Apache 2+ (nicer URLs, gzip, etc)

I can't find anything indicating that ImageMagick is installed with Webhostinghub.com and just want to verify.
It is possible to install and run this CMS?

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2,132 Points
2013-02-25 8:11 pm EST
Thank you for your question tphoto5!

Everything is supported except FFmpeg and Apache 2+. Your server does have ImageMagick capabilities on it. You should be able to install the CMS. You can check your ImageMagick installation in your Perl Module Installer in cPanel.

1. Login into your cPanel.
2. Go to Software / Services > Perl Modules.
3. In the Find a Perl Module box type "Image" and click Go.
4. You can find ImagMagick in the list and disable and enable it in there.

You can get your PHP information be going to the following:


You will need to change your-domain.com to your domain. You can also get the PHP information in your cPanel stats. You can do the following:

1. Login into your cPanel.
2. Find on the left hand side the stats. If its is not shown, click expand stats.
3. All your server info is listed on the left hand side.

If for whatever reason your server does not meet the requirements, you can always have tech support move your account to a different server with the requirements you need.

Best Regards,
James R

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