email on phone

Asked by:
Sancha / 10 Points
2012-10-02 1:05 am EST
I have set up my sancha@5thposition email on my phone (IMAP) and, though it will send from that address, it will not receive message to that address on my iphone 4. My phone keeps asking me to check the settings. It says 'the mail server is not responding. verify that you have entered the correct account info in mail settings'

please help. It will send emails but not receive and i need to be able to receive them on my phone

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17,314 Points
2012-10-02 2:49 am EST
Hello Sancha,

For privacy of your account, this kind of question is best answered through live support. However, since you have already published your domain name and server information, I will try to give you some information that may help with this issue.

In order to help with this issue, it's often best to determine if there are any error messages that people are getting when sending email to you - not the error message you sent - that is unfortunately not enough information. Send email with another email account and see if you get a bounceback. Email systems use bounceback emails to track delivery problems.

Are you able to receive emails on a computer or through webmail? I checked your domain and it does appear to be correct. If you're using, then you need to make sure of the following settings:

-SSL is being used for incoming email
-Port 993 being used for incoming email
-user name = FULL email address (
-password is correct

The server is operating correctly, so the issue does appear to be at your phone. I will leave you a link that will detail setting up email on your iPhone. Please go through it and make sure your settings are correct.

Lastly, I did go through your account notes from technical support and there's a note that says you were instructed on setting up email forwarders. If you forward emails, then you will not see them at your account.

Iphone Email Setup

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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