adding comments & hit counter to blog page

Asked by:
linniejean / 18 Points
2012-07-20 7:14 pm EST
Hello, I'm using iweb for creating my website, which I then publish through I am noticing that even though I have abled "comments" and a hit counter on my blog, neither of these are showing up when published. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong please? Thank you!

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17,314 Points
2012-07-20 8:21 pm EST
Hello LinnieJean,

I did some research and it appears that comments for your iWeb blog only work in MobileMe - this is per the Apple Support Forums. There's a coding workaround which lets you add blogs from outside, but it would involve you coding your site to do so and also setting up a blog in a different location and then connecting it to your site.

As for the counter, it' generally works from a script or code, and if you didn't set this up properly, then it will not work. However, there is an easy solution for the counter. You need to login to your account Cpanel, then go to CGI Center. There is a counter option there. You need to select the format you wish to use, then click on HTML at the bottom. Copy the code they provide ONTO the page where you wish to display the counter.

If you are unfamiliar with editing the files, you can get more information here:

Using File Manager And Editing your files

Once you understand how to get to your file and edit it, find your home page file. I just checked and it is Welcome.html. When you open this file, copy the code from the cpanel for the counter to the bottom of the page you've opened, then save it. You'll see a counter on your page when you refresh your browser.

Please keep in mind that a site counter is not an accurate way to count the actual number of visitors as it records each request made by the visitor's browser (images, text, etc.). A more accurate way to determine the traffic on your site is to either review Awstats in your cPanel or to use Google Analytics on your site.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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