can you leave the site name box empty when publishing in iweb?

Asked by:
flytier / 13 Points
2012-06-16 1:37 am EST
In the of the instructions for publishing out of iweb it says to put public_html in the site name. My question is can you leave that box empty instead and still be able to publish your site? Publishing works but I am getting an 404 error code when I try to visit the site after publishing because iweb software adds what ever is typed in this box on to the end of the website address.... I don't know if that makes sense to anyone... or if I have explained it well enough. thanks for your help

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17,314 Points
2012-06-16 3:25 am EST
Hello Flytier,

The problem with iWeb, is that it wants to create its OWN folder, instead of simply appending files into the existing structure.

The instructions for publishing to the primary domain is correct. Otherwise, iWeb will attempt to create the directory structure that is already there. Files for the primary domain belong in the PUBLIC_HTML folder. If you are publishing to a subdomain or to an add-on domain, then the path will look like this:

Here's the reference to publishing with iWeb for Web Hosting Hub:

Publishing with Web

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Arnel C.

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